The Group
Radar Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
SAR Polarimetry:
- Exploration of the fully polarimetric scattering behaviour of an illuminated scene
- Calibration of ground based systems
- Development of inversion models and algorithms for the estimation of bio- and geophysical parameters from polarimetric SAR data
SAR Intereferometry (Differential SAR and Single-Pass Interferometric SAR, TomoSAR)
- Monitoring and analysis of sufrace deformation in the wake of natural geophysical processes and anthropogenic activities, using differential intereferometry / persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI)
- Developing tomographic techniques for 3D retrieval of surface reflectivity in urban and alpine regions for coherent scatterers
- Understanding snow metamorphism using co-polar phase differences
- Development of methods to estimate biomass and soil moisture signal
Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
Inversion methodology development and validation for the estimation of bio- and geophysical parameter from multi-parameter (i.e. multi-frequency, -baseline, -temporal) Pol-InSAR data.
Science Coordination of Ongoing and Future SAR Missions
Current external page TanDEM-X and planned external page Tandem-L Science Coordinator: Establishment and coordination of the science team and definition of science requirements.